Saturday, October 6, 2012



Botanical Baron said...

Just a expression of thanks for reminding me about these compounds.

Hamilton Morris said...

They were forgotten for a reason, in addition to producing bromide as an active metabolite (though nothing compared to KBr!) they are associated with cardiotoxicity, hypothermia, and probably act as alkylating agents in vivo. They are also such weak drugs, requiring significant fractions of a gram to produce a therapeutic effect, it's likely acebromural's eutomer would be of somewhat respectable potency, though.

Botanical Baron said...

You are thinking in the right direction with acebromural's potency though.

Botanical Baron said...

It is interesting to see such a response from a simple thank you though, I haven't found anything medicinally useful if that's where your mind was set with posting these structures.

Or perhaps it was just for their old novelty? Regardless it's irrelevant. If you are interested further as you say do not hesitate to contact me.

Botanical Baron said...

Can't you just do the math yourself if you are interested in finding the SAR of which urea compound?