Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hamilton Morris, Prophet of Pharmacology

KARLEY SCIORTINO: What's your most prized possession?
HAMILTON MORRIS: I once owned a stick coated with Phyllomedusa bicolor skin secretions given to me by a Mayoruna Indian chief, but it was thrown away by a dyslexic Craigslist prostitute who I used to live with. He thought it was a piece of trash. I also have a diagram of the DiPT molecule drawn and signed by Alexander Shulgin, and on one occasion I traded a small quantity of crystalline psychotridine for a lion's eardrum.
SCIORTINO: If you had to name a favorite drug...
MORRIS: That is an impossible question, as there are different materials for different occasions. I have a deep affection for DiPT, a psychedelic, and pramiracetam, a nootropic. And several others, which I probably should not mention—I'm being a bit vanilla, so forgive me.
SCIORTINO: Your house is a bit disorderly, you do not have sheets on your bed, there is some mold growing in your bathroom, and you claim not to shower often. Is personal hygiene something that is important to you?
MORRIS: Cleaning is the ultimate Sisyphean task; you sweep the motes of dust into the air, where they fall back down to the ground. It makes me feel like a cartoon character to sweep, like I am a Sim-person sweeping Sim-dust. The same goes for sheets and pillowcases. One must ask oneself the question, who is protecting who from what? Am I protecting my face from the pillow or the pillow from my face, and regardless of the answer, how is a pillowcase the solution? What protects the pillowcase? Why not put a pillowcase-case over the pillowcase, why not sleep in a Russian doll of recursive protective linens, why not put on successive pairs of underwear until I turn into the Mandelbrot set? This is mise en abyme; it is a recipe for madness that can be avoided with the understanding that the pillow is already encased, the mattress is already covered, and the dust is seemingly governed by Aristotelian spontaneous generation and no amount of sweeping will ever eliminate it.
SCIORTINO: Is there a scientific explanation as to why smoking weed before sex make me cum harder?
MORRIS: There are no published scientific papers on the effects of weed on female libido, and THC does not directly stimulate any of the neurochemical pathways that are thought to arouse women, things like D3 and 5HT1A receptor agonism or testosterone elevation or melanocortin modulation. Indeed the only paper on the subject indicates THC decreases libido, at least in male mice, so there is probably a more complex psychological-cum-psychedelic mechanism at play. Maybe it’s the animalistic dank pheromonal musk of the sticky nugg, the sizzle and pop of the red cystolith hairs as they slowly, sensuously burn. The paradoxical combination of analgesia and entactogenesis, but I don’t smoke weed, so I can’t say.
SCIORTINO: If you could offer one lesson to the recreational-drug-taking population, what would it be?
MORRIS: Simply because you take drugs does not mean you are an expert on them. In fact, there seems to be an inverse relationship between drug consumption and drug knowledge: more of the former results in less of the latter. If that seems obvious, you have probably gone easy on the former, though this relationship only applies to curious people who are seriously interested in drugs. But it can never hurt to do some basic research: start with Google Scholar and work from there. I say this not out of snide condescension, but out of love—love for you, and most importantly love of knowledge and the pursuit of truth.
SCIORTINO: Of the drugs you have tried, which have you found most erotic?
MORRIS: There was a designer sildenafil analogue, I believe it was sulfoaildenafil, marketed under the brand name Stiff Nights, which resulted in a few days of sub-clinical priapism—not exactly sure if that was erotic.

SCIORTINO: You own a lot of books by David Foster Wallace. What is it that you love about him?
MORRIS: I love DFW with a burning passion. He is one of very few writers that approach something close to the way humans think. That is to say, his writing is psychedelic in the etymological sense—it is mind-manifesting. His low latent inhibition, his maximalist style, it's exciting in a way few things are—literary or otherwise. As a result there will be a backlash against him, DFW will become uncool, because the postmodern paradigm must be burned for new growth to spring from its stylistic ashes, but replacing literary postmodernism is, of course, a hopelessly postmodern task and maybe it's best not to discuss this. Maybe we should all become slam poets.
That said, I have pre-ordered The Pale King on Amazon and I eagerly await the moment it arrives in my mailbox in mid April 2011.
SCIORTINO: You spend a lot of time in the library. I find libraries to be rather sexually stimulating. Would you agree?
MORRIS: There was a Russian cult of eunuchs known as the Skoptsy who were renowned for their proficiency as mathematicians, bankers, and moneylenders. Outsiders called them rapacious but this was simply their jealousy speaking—when one is freed from sexual desire, or sexual desire is transmuted into work, suddenly the world becomes engorged with possibilities. I envy the asceticism of the Skoptsy and wish I could attain a similar level of removal from the carnal temptations of the moment, but those gonadal androgenic hormones are crucial for hippocampal neurogenesis, so I can't justify auto-castration just yet. Although, I have gone to library every day for the last three years, most nights sleeping on the floor using my shoe as a pillow, so that's a start.
SCIORTINO: What are some of the questions you are regularly asked, or topics that are regularly raised by your admirers via fan-mail Facebook messages and e-mails?
MORRIS: One person recently asked me, and I quote, "It's possible pulverizer marijuana for later snort?" I always answer to the best of my abilities. Once an anesthesiologist and dog breeder offered me a prize-winning Russkiy Toy, which I appreciated enormously, but then I got greedy and asked if I could have propofol instead. I have had people who deal in psychoactive chemicals ask to pay me as a consultant, to keep them abreast of various trends in the designer drugs and pipeline pharmaceuticals—but that kind of gray-market business is not for me.
SCIORTINO: Do you hope to be remembered, and for what?
MORRIS: On one hand I have great literary and artistic aspirations, but being remembered for anything is an accomplishment, even if it is ingesting the world's largest quantity of semen or being struck by lightning the greatest number of times.
SCIORTINO: And lastly, does taking drugs automatically make a person cool?
MORRIS: No. Doing drugs is like anything else—predicated on taste, refinement, dignity, distinction, and originality. Cocaine is not cool, because it makes people act cartoonishly fiendish, and that is undignified. But when you get into more obscure territory, matters of cool become unclear. Is intraocular temazepam injection "cool?" Well, it's unusual and by virtue of its unusualness, interesting, and by virtue of its interestingness, cool—if one were to follow that chain of propositions.
Self-destruction is only as cool as it is novel. There is nothing cool about consuming ten-dollar drinks at whatever incredibly loud bar with the vague hope that you will be photographed and vanity-stroked on a blog the next day, but if I throw hydrochloric acid on my face and blame it on an imaginary black woman in a Starbucks parking lot, that may be cool.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Plato: I have already had my pussy licked by my G/Fs dogs a couple of times, and it was wonderful. A while ago, I was out in the barn, watching our stallion mount 1 of the mares, and for some reason, it got me excited. I sat down on a bale of hay, pulled my panties off, and was feeling, and then fingering myself, when our St. Bernard came into the barn, I guess he had smelled me, as I was getting pretty wet. He came over to me, and started sniffing, and I spread my legs, (I had taken my panties off by then) the next thing I knew, that long, rough textured tongue, was inside me.
Socrates: But girl, did you get off?
Plato: OMG I went off like a rocket, he kept licking, and I kept cumming, and after a few times, I got down on all fours (I couldn’t seem to help myself), and he mounted me. He was already clear out of his sheath, and fully swollen, and about 7 or 8” long. When he went into me, he went all the way in, it was magnificent. If you’ve ever seen a dog humping, they go much faster, and much harder than a man, until they knot, and when that knot swelled inside me, (and it does swell, OMG it fills you up completely, and their right, you can’t get off of them) it was instantly, pressing against my G Spot, The sensation was endless, and out of this world. He just stood there while he was cumming inside me, it felt so fantastic, and so damn hot, squirting against my cervex, and with that fantastic pressure on my G Spot, and I started to cum, and I must have cum 4 or 5 times while he had me knotted, and when he finished, and pulled it out of me, his cum just gushed out of me. OMG they cum 4 times as much as a man, and it felt a lot hotter inside me.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Denying the antecedent:
If P, then Q.
Not P.
Therefore, not Q
If there is TTX in the powder, there are zombies in Haiti.
There is not TTX in the powder.
Therefore, there are not zombies in Haiti.
Modus tollens:
If P, then Q.
Not Q.
Therefore, not P.
If there is TTX in the powder, there are zombies in Haiti.
There are not zombies in Haiti.
Therefore, there is no TTX in the powder.
Modus ponens:
If P, then Q.
Therefore, Q.
If there is TTX in the powder, there are zombies in Haiti.
There is TTX in the powder.
Therefore, there are zombies in Haiti.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I would be especially interested in a simple pyridine substitutions on the side chain, or conformationally constrained tricyclics or, heck, why not throw on a 4-phenyl and alpha methyl and make it an amphetamine, nicotine, piracetam chimera! I'm aware it probably wouldn't retain the positive effects of any in the three. Still, I would be surprised if there weren't a winner somewhere in the midst...

Monday, October 11, 2010
Anti-intellectualism has always been "cool" to most Americans, but Diesel is taking things a mite far with its new ad campaign: "Be stupid."
2:12 PM Sep 25th via txt
If you'll look at these Diesel ads (Google "diesel be stupid") you'll be appalled and aghast at how kids are being indoctrinated. What t ...
2:15 PM Sep 25th via txt
Diesel would love it if over-30s vehemently objected: their stuff would just become "cooler." Sad.
2:17 PM Sep 25th via txt
My overlong tweet ended suggestively "What t..." It was to be "What to do?" BAG
2:18 PM Sep 25th via txt
Brian A. Garner
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
- C.L.R. James
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
→And on we raced, hurling watchdogs against doorsteps, curling them under our burning tires like collars under a flatiron. Death, domesticated, met me at every turn, gracefully holding out a paw, or once in a while hunkering down, making velvety caressing eyes at me from every puddle.
→→‘Let’s break out of the horrible shell of wisdom and throw ourselves like pride-ripened fruit into the wide, contorted mouth of the wind! Let’s give ourselves utterly to the Unknown, not in desperation but only to replenish the deep wells of the Absurd!’
Friday, August 6, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It has been hypothesized that all the worlds psychedelic tryptamines and phenethylamines were synthesized en masse and then divvied up globally sometime around 2002. It has also been hypothesized that forensic chemical fingerprinting could be used analyze trace impurities and prove this now - or in the near future. Lastly, It has been predicted that these global stores of phenethylamines with a primary amine will soon undergo the facile conversion to their secondary amine 2-methoxybenzylated counterparts.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I use my body for anexperimentI take the medicationused in hospitals for thetreatment of acute catatoniaand schizophrenia, and putmy body in an unpredictable
First part
Facing the audience, I take the first medication.This medication is given to patients who suffer from catatoniato force them to change the position of their bodies.Shortly after taking the medication, my muscles begin to
violently contract, until completely loosing control.
First part: 15 minutes
I swear I've read that, as an alternative to ECT, seizures are induced chemically instead of electrically in europe - but I cant find the source or names of the drugs used to induce a therapeutic seizure...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Socrates: Tell me about the "40 Loads" event. How have you collected these loads? How have you prepared yourself for swallowing so much cum and what was the feeling after swallowing it?
Plato: Well, my boyfriend pretty much "secretly" froze 40 loads of cum over about 6 weeks and then told me he wanted to do a bukkake-style cumdrinking video. No facials, just me gulping down those 40 cum shots. At that time I had already drunk 10 loads at once and I knew that it was harder than it sounded. Anyway, he expected me to say no so he was thrilled to bits when I said that I'd do it. The ugly truth behind that video is, that I managed to keep the 40 loads down for about 20 maybe 30 minutes before I threw up. I was proud to have lasted that long :)
Socrates: Is there some change of cum-taste after being frozen?
Plato: Absolutely. I'd rather have it fresh from the tap than frozen. Cum loses all its gooey texture once you freeze it and flavor's affected as soon as the cum is exposed to air. It degrades rather quickly. Cum tastes best when it's warm and you can swallow it right away. It tends to go a little bitter right after it cools down and reacts with oxygen, I guess, I'm not a chemist. Don't get me wrong, I will drink thawed cum and I will lick cold cum off a plate or off the floor or whatever, it's just not as good then as it could be.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Maurice Hamilton is that jerk who know the texts of penisovidnite hallucinogenic mushrooms, mescaline nadrusanite with Jews, anti-drug and Icelandic magical piece about Fashion Week. He is 22, a biochemistry graduate and lives in Manhattan (and beyond the gates of perception). Each text is a story about Hamm monstrous abuse situations and entertaining information on drugs firsthand. No way - can not, and relate to it!
How the hell end up in Vice?
Several years ago I fought with severe addiction to refrigerant, a chemical which is used for cooling in air conditioners. I learned to open them with a screwdriver and had sufficient refrigerant for 10, maybe 15 strong nadrusvaniya. Needless to say, that once tried, you can never quit. I went to the house of friends and while they were in the bathroom, I opened my air conditioners them izdrusvah refrigerant and then lie to them that have deteriorated "in itself". I was desperate. I saw friends and family just as my ticket to more air conditioners. Jesse Pearson, the U.S. editor of Vice, to intervene and possibly owe their lives to him because he told me that if I stopped to beat air conditioners will give me a job.
Who was the first experiment with drugs?
So he smoked salvia, but I had her turn on him because there was no finger of his left hand. I encourage everyone to start to grow this very important plant!
The whole time there to engage in such crazy things? Is that your daily life?
Spend much time in the wild drinking Spirulina, which is used against malnutrition (called Green Vibrance and also recommend it!), I take antidepressants like crazy, which inherited from my dead dog, read books about crazy Biochemistry and try to cure psoriasis mad on his head ...
Add a story which not published anywhere.
Once Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year - line.) Traveled by a Jewish sect, hasidisti (pietistichno Jewish movement - line.) Who hid hundreds of doses of mescaline in the horn. Beat in a synagogue and unanimously decided to move to another building through the roof using a rope made of prayer shawls. Was one of our horns you do some more and began to vomit uncontrollably. Suddenly all started to vomit and the whole wall was in Cactus sinegogata vomit. Even Jehovah discharged (JVHV) with vomiting.
Have you ever arrested?
Yes. I actually arrested a few times. Once many sofistitsiranoto offense that crushed a house and wrote "drink semen 'on the wall.
What are you most afraid of?
Mutation of the HIV virus, which will allow him to be held in salivation glands of mosquitoes and the HIV epidemic will lead to humanity. This is really bad. Moreover, I cook a lot of his scrape Teflon pans and although I understand that this is not a big deal, something that worries me deeply Teflon.
Who can not touch shit?
Cigarettes, alcohol, heroin, cocaine ... it will always seem problematic.
Which is your favorite poison?
Something you do not try, but you frantic?
Aromatic secretion of sperm whales, which protects the intestinal casing may not be torn by razor sharp tentacles of giant squid. It is said that secret (it is valuable as gold) has the properties of heavy-duty analgesic and aphrodisiac. I can not share his name, but really excited by it. Moreover, interested and some peptides in the venom of the platypus.
How often trump whiff?
Rarely. Wait to synthesize water-soluble cannabinoids - something with the power of crack, if I understand ...
What music you running?
I entered into ethno electronics chiylaut beats, World Music, things that I act as a soothing massage. I like the group Deep Forest, especially the song "Sweet Lullaby" - the original and the remix with Eniya.
Add a recipe for a hangover?
Do not drink alcohol! Valium or use small amounts of alcohol - also tested technique (benzodiazepines savagely spectacular intensify alcohol - ed). Anyway - too much water paratsetamolat too. But to me it is not so - up and shout Carpe diem! (live today - in Latin), half an hour one mill pear tree, meditate and teach him the principles of the game.
How do you want to die?
Same, from an overdose of antibiotics masturbate while a picture of Tara Reid. If possible, find me where I want to make me rich in minerals into a watercourse, which should be petrified. If this is not possible, can I freeze in an ice block or at least let me eat dogs - there are so many possibilities.